Growing Geothermal Industrial Opportunities
A Joint Webinar Panel with Grande Prairie Regional College
February 11, 2021
What makes geothermal energy the renewable to capitalize on today? A panel of industry and academia offers their perspectives.
In a transforming economic and environmental climate, the world looks to clean energy for innovation and development. For Northwestern Alberta, geothermal energy is a key component for economic and energy diversification and for growing this region as an industrial hub.
Join Terrapin and Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC) in a conversation about what geothermal energy is, why it is the Northwestern renewable resource of today, and how it can be developed. This webinar features a panel discussion and live Q&A surrounding current and future opportunities, visions for a green energy sector, and how industry can prepare for this new energy future.
Speakers and Panel
Dr. Cathie Hickson, P.Geo
Marc Colombina
Dr. Bob Murray
Dr. Andrew Dunlop
Chief Geologist
VP of Operations
President & CEO
Dir. of Research and Innovation




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